Spiderweb Cupcakes

When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween. ~Author Unknown

Need a last minute idea for a Halloween treat?

 This “spiderweb” technique is so simple & it’s a great way to decorate cupcakes in honor of Halloween!

Here’s a list of few things you will need for these cupcakes:

1). one batch of chocolate cupcakes

2). white buttercream frosting

3). toothpicks

4). black food color/writing gel

First – frost each of the cupcakes with the buttercream icing, then, using the black food color gel pipe three circles on the cupcake (in a design similar to a bull’s-eye).

 Next, gently drag a toothpick from the smallest circle in the center of the cupcake towards the outside edge. Repeat this step all the way around the cupcake, using a clean toothpick each time.

See? It’s really that simple! Happy Halloween!

Adapted from, SeaKettle .

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  • the cape on the corner
    October 31, 2012 at 4:44 pm 

    omg, you’re a genius with the bullseye trick. also, it’s been ages since i’ve seen you! hope to see you tomorrow, and hope we can chat!

    • Chef Kel
      November 1, 2012 at 12:15 am 

      I was going to make these for work on Monday! oh well I’ll just have to make something else 🙂

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